5th August, 2023 was a special day as we celebrated the birthday of our beloved Vice Principal Rev. Bro. Sunil Indwar. It was a joyful occasion where the Loyola family came together to greet and wish him a very happy birthday and also to invoke God’s blessings on him. The celebration began with a heartfelt prayer and welcome address. Rev. Bro. John Herman Ekka, our Secretary and Rev. Bro. Sudhakar Reddy, Principal took a moment to express their love for Bro. Sunil. Beautiful birthday wishes were showered by the teachers of Montessori, Primary Section and High School through their song performances and speeches. A visual presentation was also prepared, showcasing the wonderful personality of Bro. Sunil. A bouquet, a card and a gift was presented to Brother as a token of love and appreciation. We continued the celebration as Brother cut the cake to the tune of a birthday song. Brother Sunil came forward and thanked everyone for the lovely birthday celebration and making his day a special one.