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From the Principal’s desk


This academic year (2023-2024) Loyola fraternity chose the theme “Nurturing Human Relationships” which is very vital to our life. As it is said we are social (Animals) beings therefore we interdepend on each other. The entire Loyola Family felt that the need of nurturing human relationships is theutmost priority at this hour because somewhere down the line we have stopped looking at the other as our own brothers and sisters. We have begun to behave as if the whole world is only ours and there is no place for others. We have been progressing in all spheres of life so rapidly that we have forgotten to maintain or develop a healthy and a lovable society. We are obsessed with technology so much that instead of giving a helping hand to the person who is in need we record videos and post it in the social media. Now we have stopped interacting with each other face to face instead talking through messages which do not convey personal feeling and there is no emotional bond. We have become mechanical and so we land in problems of depression, loneliness and mental wellbeing is at stake, etc. Unless we take it seriously, we will not be able to set it right therefore Loyola sees a ray of hope in these tender heart children who can become the game changers in turning around the world into a better place to live in. They are the ambassadors of love, peace, respect, justice etc. we are creating a platform for the students to display their point of view and making them aware how important the other person is. We are trying to inculcate our young minds to love and respect the other. We are helping the children to feel that we all belong to one family called human family. Let us begin to see the other’s point of view too. Let us get into the shoes of the other to experience other’s life which will enhance our own quality of life and develop empathy towards the other. Every human being’s basic need is to be loved by the other. Let us give this love to all so that there is nobody in this world who feels lonely and empty. If we are able to replace hatred with love, selfishness with sacrifice, helping hands and anger with smile I am sure the way the society is today will be different tomorrow. I wish all the best to my students and teachers who are making a difference

Rev. Bro. Y. Sudhakar Reddy

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