The “Eureka quiz”, organised by All India Montfort Schools’ Association, is one of the most awaited and prestigious events of Montfort School. This year, it was held in Hyderabad, Telangana. The event was conducted at Little Flower High School, ABIDS, Hyderabad on November 5, 2022. Neerav and Kaustubh of grade X were the participants from our school. They were warmly received and were provided good accommodations. Dr LalhriatzualiRalte, IAS, DC, Aizwa, was the chief guest for the event. It was also attended by Rev. Brother Shajan Antony, the Principal, Rev. Brother Shine Alex, teachers and enthusiastic students in the audience. The Quiz Master was Dr. P. Gopi Krishna. Eight teams from eight Indian provinces participated in the quiz. It was divided into four rounds: general questions, timer questions, buzzer questions and rapid fire questions. Both students from our school showcased their talent, teamwork, confidence and concentration and returned with fond memories. It was a proud moment for our school as they realised that they were a part of a big Montfortian family spread across India.